Hella History
Hella Temple #105 was organized in Columbia, TN. in the early 1920's under the direction of the late Noble Caesar R. Blake, Imperial Potentate. Hella Temple # 105 is recognized as a subordinate of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine.
Dr. C.O. Hunter served as the first Illustrious Potentate of Hella Temple #105.
In 1927, Hella Temple moved to Nashville because of the greater potential membership base in a larger city. Noble F. G. Carter was the Illustrious Potentate in the “new” Oasis of Nashville. He was succeeded by Noble W. P. Ridley and Noble W. A. Graham.
A dark interlude in the history of our Great Temple occured when the recession of the 1930’s claimed the existence of Hella Temple #105. The persistent Nobles and the dedication of the Prince Hall Masons in Nashville persuaded Imperial Deputy F. L. Brewster to reorganize Hella Temple #105 on April 18, 1945 in the Masonic Temple on 4th Avenue in downtown Nashville where the present day Nashville Municipal Auditorium is located. Noble Kossie L. Gardner was elected Illustrious Potentate, Noble J.M. Gilmore Chief Rabban, Noble L.B. Bradley Assistant Rabban, Noble Edward Crawford Recorder, and Noble W. A. Graham Treasurer. Some of the earliest events of the reorganized Temple were the Hella Temple #105-sponsored “Shrine Football Games” at Tennessee A & I College (now Tennessee State University) with local black high schools participating.
The geographical jurisdiction of Hella Temple #105 extends north to Kentucky, south to the Alabama state line, east to South Pittsburg, Tennessee, (The Foot of Mount Eagle), and west to the Tennessee River. This jurisdiction is the largest in the Desert of Tennessee.
Hella Temple has been patron of many charitable projects including but not limited to the March of Dimes, United Negro College Fund, WVOL 1470-AM Christmas Fund Drive, Jefferson Street United Merchants Partnership (J.U.M.P.), Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority (Youth Symposium), American Diabetes Association, Meharry Sickle Cell Foundation, Big Brothers of Nashville, Tennessee Kidney Foundation, American Cancer Society, and The Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home. Hella Temple # 105 has established a partnership with Tennessee State University Athletic Department to assist with providing football game tickets for children from the Y.M.C.A. Fun Company, and the Andrew Jackson Boys & Girls Club to attend the John Merritt Football Classic. Over the years Hella Temple #105 has assisted organizations, sponsored numerous drives as well as fundraisers and food drives for the less fortunate. Hella Temple # 105 (Prince Hall Shriners) is a fraternal organization benevolent from its conception, dedicated to charity, civil, economic, and educational development.
The mission of Hella Temple # 105 is to attempt to empower our youth of today to be successful leaders of tomorrow.